

Considering dentures? You need to consult Excel Dental Care, Sunset Valley’s denture expert.

Dentures. The word itself brings up some dated associations. But for many patients, modern dentures are a safe, comfortable, and convenient option for replacing missing teeth and improving their smile. Dentures can also be more affordable than other restorative dental services.

At Excel Dental Care, our experienced dentists can walk you through the denture/tooth replacement process and help you make the choice that’s right for you. 

The advantages of dentures

Dentures are replacements for teeth lost to gum disease, decay, or injury. They are custom-made using impressions of your mouth so they fit comfortably and look natural. Dentures can be taken out and put back into your mouth. Your dentist will work with you to ensure your dentures look, feel, and perform just like your natural teeth. 

Types of dentures

There are several types of dentures to consider when replacing missing teeth. Dentures can be either full or partial sets, which are a removable option to bridges and placed around your remaining healthy teeth. Your dentist will help you choose the best option for your lifestyle.

Dentures are an economical way to replace missing teeth. After your teeth are removed and your gums have healed, usually about 8-12 weeks, dentures are placed into your mouth. Immediate full dentures, also known as temporary dentures, are inserted immediately after teeth have been removed. While they replace your missing teeth and let you eat, drink, and talk like normal, they must be periodically adjusted after being inserted. Premium dentures most closely resemble natural teeth.

Living with dentures

Living with dentures may take some getting used to, but in short time, eating and speaking will feel normal. Denture care, including daily cleaning and application, is simple.

Talk with us about dentures and tooth replacement solutions.

At Excel Dental Care, we’ve got the experience and skill to help you find the right tooth replacement solution for your lifestyle. We’ve served patients across the Sunset Valley area, and we’re here to help you too. Call us today at (512) 276-2876.

Immediate vs Complete Dentures

Conventional dentures are made for a patient’s mouth cavity once the teeth have been removed. A dentist first removes the patient’s teeth and then lets the patient’s gums heal after the operation. Once the gums have healed, the dentist will cast a mold over the patient’s oral cavity. This molding helps shape the dentures. After the molding is set, the dentures are created to the mold and then fit into the patient’s mouth. Immediate dentures are placed in your mouth immediately following the extraction of your teeth, during the same visit as your teeth removal, so they serve as a bandage to control bleeding and protect gum tissue. Because more time is spent preparing them, immediate dentures cost more than conventional dentures.

Read more about Immediate vs. Complete Dentures

Implant-Supported Partial Dentures

If you’re missing only a few natural teeth, an implant-supported partial denture provides retention that is superior to that of traditional dentures, allowing you to bite, chew and talk properly –  without the visible clasps. The partial denture can be fixed or removable. Both are good options, and the best option for you may depend on your personal needs and what your dentist recommends. For both types, the partial denture is held in place by titanium implants, which are secured into the jawbone for a sturdy hold. 

Read more about Implant-Supported Partial Dentures

Partial Dentures

A partial denture is a removable, yet natural-looking dental appliance that helps restore the form and function of your jaw by replacing one or more missing teeth. When you are missing one or more teeth, the bite pressures shift in your mouth. Other teeth may begin to move to compensate for the “gap” in your bite, and you may experience shrinking of both the soft tissues and the supporting bone near your missing teeth. This can alter your physical appearance and lead to subsequent problems with your other teeth. A partial denture keeps the underlying structures of your mouth – your gums, jawbone, facial muscles, etc. – active and engaged. It helps prevent further shifting of the other teeth in your mouth while giving you the confidence of having a beautiful, complete smile.

Read more about Partial Dentures

Traditional vs Premium Dentures

Have you considered dentures but were too afraid to ask? Are you confused about which kind of dentures may be right for you? If so, Excel Dental Care has the answers for you!

Comfortable and safe, traditional dentures are prosthetic devices that serve as false teeth. They can take the place of some (partial) or all (complete) teeth. Not only do they cost significantly less than other solutions, but they are also less invasive.

Lasting longer and made from higher quality materials, premium dentures will help you chew better while resembling your natural teeth. They are also preferred over  traditional dentures because they have more molds and shades for patients to choose from.

Read more about Traditional vs. Premium Dentures

Implant Retained Dentures

When you have lost your natural teeth, a variety of complications can arise that impact your physical and emotional health. You may find it difficult to speak clearly or chew your favorite foods. You may be embarrassed and try to hide your smile from others. You may also experience shifting among your remaining teeth, causing additional discomfort in your mouth and jaw. 

Implant retained dentures offer a solution that provides comfort and relief. They can replace both upper and lower teeth, giving you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures. 

Read more about Implant Retained Dentures

Screw-Retained Dentures

When you have lost your natural teeth, a variety of complications can arise that impact your physical and emotional health – beyond just your smile. Dentures are an important part of restoring your smile’s appearance, but they can pose challenges for some. Implant retained dentures offer you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures.

Read more about Screw Retained Dentures

Denture Stabilization

Over time, as you wear your dentures, you lose the bony structure that supports your soft tissues. Because your soft tissues make contact with your dentures, this too will start to recede with the bone. As a result, you're in a constant state of adjustment, discomfort, and difficulty with everyday functions like speaking, chewing and smiling. The solution is denture stabilization. 

Read more about Denture Stabilization